Just pure silliness. I’m not sure if The Frogs or Ween are more to blame for inspiring this.
Author: ray
The idea for this sprang right out of the rhythm. Fit like a glove.
I Am The River
I think I had been listening to The Frogs. That’s probably my best defense.
Just a dramatic break. Maybe you would run to the bathroom or something.
River Tsunami (Rock)
Somehow I talked Kandace into singing this one, and I’m glad I did. She had a cold, and hated me for making her do the vocals, which were sung directly into the laptop microphone.
River Risin’
Needed a track to develop the story on our concept album a bit. Doesn’t sound like I quite finished the lyrics, but it did the job. It doesn’t seem as though I wanted to let the track end.
I’ve never been quite sure where I stole the chorus at the end from but I’m pretty sure it’s been done before. The first half was built onto that, drawing on Guided By Voices for inspiration. Another surprisingly disciplined mix.
Do The River Tsunami
A dance track, for people who don’t.
The Victim
At the tail end of my band days I had recorded a demo of this track and always meant to come back to it. Under the “influence” I laid down some overwhelming noises, and had the good sense to come back and edit it the next day. The result is one of my more disciplined mixes.
Yes, I’m using a little of the autotune, but I’m also not using it. It’s called balance.
Bye Bye Little Sue
Thus begins an unlikely “concept album”… about a river tsunami. And what such album would be complete without a song about a girl?