Do The River Tsunami
A dance track, for people who don’t.
In 2007, I was itching to make some music. Our downstairs neighbors were keen to do a video show with us, in collaboration with Hello! Video, and I felt we should have a theme. No idea why we settled on “River Tsunami,” but I think we were just looking for as unlikely a topic as possible. So I set out to write an album about it.
A dance track, for people who don’t.
At the tail end of my band days I had recorded a demo of this track and always meant to come back to it. Under the “influence” I laid down some overwhelming noises, and had the good sense to come back and edit it the next day. The result is one of my more disciplined…
Thus begins an unlikely “concept album”… about a river tsunami. And what such album would be complete without a song about a girl?