Minneapolis Unmitigated Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 https://brigleb.com/wp-content/uploads/1993/01/1993-Ray_Daniels-Unmitigated.mp3 A throwaway. Presumably I was in some kind of “mood” where I found the sound of this guitar super exciting or something. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Vocal Glass Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 Featuring the voice of my friend Laura, this was just me enjoying the heck out of a “phaser” pedal or something I had for my guitar at the time. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Pink Thunder Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 I believe my friend Mathew played on this one. Don’t much remember recording it. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail
Minneapolis Dead Johnny Byray January 1, 1993June 7, 2017 Recorded on a four-track in a small bedroom in Minneapolis while listening to way too much Butthole Surfers. It’s painfully obvious which tracks are the four tracks. Mathew Beane plays guitar and possibly drums. Why not share tho?TwitterFacebookEmail