Sheer jest. I think August and I were up late, just playing song ideas. You can hear him singing a little backup in there.
Sheer jest. I think August and I were up late, just playing song ideas. You can hear him singing a little backup in there.
Featuring the voice of my friend Laura, this was just me enjoying the heck out of a “phaser” pedal or something I had for my guitar at the time.
A throwaway. Presumably I was in some kind of “mood” where I found the sound of this guitar super exciting or something.
Before I had access to a multitrack device of any kind, I recorded this with a pair of handheld cassette recorders. It was more or less to prove a technical point, which is my way of saying that it’s completely unlistenable.
Partly the first bit of tape here was lost to history, along with a song I titled “Pokealotasmottapus”. For real. It’s probably best, but I’ve preserved this bit for posterity.
Recorded on a four-track in a small bedroom in Minneapolis while listening to way too much Butthole Surfers. It’s painfully obvious which tracks are the four tracks. Mathew Beane plays guitar and possibly drums.